Please pray for the health and stamina of our team!
*Madan, one of the Indonesians we are staying with, has been diagnosed with Dengue Fever. Thankfully it is one of the lesser strains, but he is still weak and close to bedridden.
*Tigor came down, last night, with what he believes is the flu and was feeling so ill that he could not make it out to the village.
*Alex is recovering from a moto bike accident that happened last week. Praise God it wasn't worse, but he did have to get eight stitches above his eye and has been prescribed a slew of medications as he continues to heal.
*The rest of us are just dealing with minor bouts of cold, upset stomach, and general fatigue.
*And Jessica returned to the US yesterday (not on accord of illness though; it had been planned in advance)

I include this picture only because Alex has been so good natured about it all (if you can't tell from his giant grin) and is quickly recovering. Tomorrow he gets his stitches out!
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